Library Edition (Freemium)
FACTFILE.APP – 32 BIT WINDOWS VERSION 1.00. Collect and organize all relevant information about one or more of your interests in a way that helps you maintain a ‘big picture’ understanding of how everything is inter-related, while also being able to search among the details for answers to specific questions. You can combine private information …
Research Edition
FACTFILE.APP – 32 BIT WINDOWS VERSION 1.00. Adds more functionality to the Library Edition, including analysis of changes in the contents, watchlist construction and tracking, and potential challenges assessment.
Briefing Edition
FACTFILE.APP – 32 BIT WINDOWS VERSION 1.00. Adds more functionality to the Research Edition, including ‘Situation Room’ style team management, video conferencing, and ‘Mission-Critical Decision Making’.
Mission Edition
FACTFILE.APP – 32 BIT WINDOWS VERSION 1.00. Adds more functionality to the Briefing Edition, including ‘Mission Room’ style scenario modelling, situation engagement, response management, and outcome optimization, supported by evidence-based reasoning generated by an AI cognitive assistant.